Youth health

Youth Health is the range of approaches to preventing, detecting or treating young people’s health and well being (WHO, 2001). The term adolescent and young people are often used interchangeably, as are the terms Adolescent Health and Youth Health.

Young people’s health is often complex and requires a comprehensive, biopsychosocial approach (NSW Dept of Health, 2010).


Key Health Services for Young People

Youth Health includes adolescent medicine as a speciality, along with other primary and tertiary care services.

Key health services for young people:

Capacity building organisations support the Youth Health sector by providing access to information and resources, conducting research and providing training.

Key Youth Health Problems

Some young people engage in risky behaviours that affect their health and therefore the majority of health problems are psychosocial. Many young people experience multiple problems. These behaviours are established as a young person and go on to become the lifestyles of adults leading to chronic health problems. Social, cultural and environmental factors are all important (Chown et al. 2004). Young people have specific health problems and developmental needs that differ from those of children or adults: The causes of ill-health in adolescents are mostly psychosocial rather biological. Young people often engage in health risk behaviours that reflect the processes of adolescent development: experimentation and exploration, including using drugs and alcohol, sexual behaviour, and other risk taking that affect their physical and mental health (AIHW, 2007). The leading health related problems in the age group 12 – 24 years are (AIHW, 2007):

Young people often lack awareness of the harm associated with risk behaviours, and the skills to protect themselves as well as the lack knowledge about how and where to seek help for their health concerns (Chown et al., 2004). By intervening at this early life stage, many chronic conditions later in life can be prevented. Factors Influencing Health and Wellbeing according to the Australian National Youth Information Framework (AIHW, 2007) include:

Key Principles in Youth Health

Young Peoples Access to Health Care

Studies have identified major barriers to young peoples’ access to appropriate health care are (Booth et al., 2002) including concerns about confidentiality, practitioners attitudes and communication style, environment, availability of services, cost and the developmental characteristics of young people.

Overcoming young peoples barriers to accessing health care
Principles for overcoming the barriers to young peoples’ access to appropriate health care (Kang et al., 2005, NSW CAAH, 2006) include:

1. Access facilitation
2. Evidence-based practice
3. Youth participation
4. Collaboration
5. Professional development
6. Sustainability
7. Evaluation

Youth Participation

Youth health polices also recognise the need active participation with young people so that services are appropriate and have an understanding of their needs (NSW Dept of Health, 2010). Taking Participation Seriously is a resource for organisations who want practical advice about how to involve children and young people in activities, events and decision-making about issues that affect their lives (NSW Commission for Children and Young People, 2002).

Youth Health Research


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